Will I Have to Support My Spouse After an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on February 06, 2024 in Alimony / Maintenance

Blog ImageSpousal support, also referred to as alimony, is a type of payment made to one spouse by the other after a divorce. There are a number of situations where spousal support may be necessary, and it is important to figure out if this will be a factor in your divorce. A seasoned Illinois divorce attorney can help you explore your options when it comes to determining spousal support payments in your divorce.

When Is Spousal Support Awarded?

Details regarding maintenance for spouses in a divorce are outlined by the Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act. Under this act, there are a few different situations where spousal support may be necessary for one party after a divorce is finalized.

Common situations where spousal support may be needed include:

  • When one party has primarily been the stay-at-home parent and needs support after a divorce to provide for themselves

  • Income disparity where one spouse earns significantly more than the other and the other spouse needs help to maintain their way of life

  • When one spouse has a disability that prevents them from working or supporting themselves after a divorce

  • If a divorce has a high net worth and numerous assets, spousal support might be figured out as part of the division of assets and property

Of course, every divorce is different and what applies in some situations might not apply to your situation. It is important to speak with a lawyer right away if you believe that you need spousal support to maintain your life after divorce.

How Do I Come to a Spousal Support Agreement?

Spousal support agreements can become highly contested, as making alimony payments to the spouse you are divorcing may trigger extreme emotions. In cases where couples cannot come to an agreement about spousal support payments, the court will make a final decision on the matter.

This decision is made by reviewing all factors of your divorce, including the finances of both you and your spouse, and figuring out what would be the fairest solution that allows each partner to maintain their general status quo after a divorce has been finalized.

Contact a St. Charles, IL Divorce Lawyer

Figuring out spousal support agreements during your divorce can be stressful, and you can benefit from an experienced Kane County, IL divorce attorney who helps you navigate this process. Contact Shaw Sanders, P.C. at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation about your divorce and spousal maintenance options.

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