When Do Divorced Parents Need to Pay Child Support For Their Adult Children?

 Posted on June 20,2022 in Child Support

st. charles child support lawyer Divorced or unmarried parents of minor children in Illinois often believe they will be able to stop making child support payments when their youngest child turns 18. Many parents are surprised to learn that child support can continue past the age of legal adulthood in several circumstances. If you are paying or receiving child support and have questions about whether payments might be extended past your child’s 18th birthday, read on to learn about circumstances in which a parent may need to pay child support for an adult child. Then, contact an Illinois family law attorney with experience in child support matters for further answers to your questions. 

The Child is Still in High School

If a child has turned 18 but has not yet finished high school, child support payments will continue until the child either graduates or drops out of high school. However, if the child is over 18 and decides not to finish high school, the parent making payments will need to file a motion with the court requesting that payments be terminated. Ending payments without permission from the court can result in owing back child support and legal consequences. 

The Child is Attending College or Vocational Training

Illinois is unique in that judges can require divorced or never married parents to pay child support for an adult child who is going to college or a vocational school, such as a cosmetology or diesel mechanics program. Because courts do not want children of divorced parents to miss out on education opportunities simply because their parents are divorced, a judge can compel both parents to contribute to a child’s college expenses.

The Child Has a Disability

Children with a disability that existed before their 18th birthday may be eligible to receive child support indefinitely. A child with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy, clinical depression, or other legitimate disability may require extensive medical care, help with daily expenses, and assisted living accommodations for their entire lives. Both parents are expected to contribute financially and may be required to place funds into a trust account for the benefit of the child. If one parent is the child’s primary caregiver, the other parent may be required to continue making payments to that parent. 

Contact a St. Charles, IL Adult Child Support Lawyer

If you have questions about adult child support and whether you may need to pay or receive it after your child turns 18, schedule a free consultation with an experienced Kane County adult child support attorney. At Shaw Sanders, P.C., our goal is to make sure you have the information and legal representation you need to make smart decisions and get great results. Contact us now at 630-584-5550 to learn more. 




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