Resources Domestic Violence Victims Can Use to Escape Their Marriages

 Posted on August 15, 2017 in Family Law

b2ap3_thumbnail_domestic-violence_20170816-022611_1.jpgBefore you can divorce your abusive spouse, you might need to get yourself out of your home and into a healthy mental and physical state. You can do this by making use of the resources available to you provided by the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence. Use its website or call the Illinois Domestic Violence Hotline to find a safe way to leave your home and reach your nearest victims’ shelter. Ending an abusive marriage can take time, money, and your mental and physical energy, but it is always worth it.

The Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence

The Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence (ICADV) is a nonprofit organization that provides resources to domestic violence victims throughout Illinois. These resources include grants for organizations seeking to provide resources to domestic violence victims, safety planning for victims, education and outreach for victims, and training for licensed counselors and social workers who work with domestic violence victims.

Orders of Protection

If you feel you are in danger of suffering more abuse by your former partner, use an order of protection to keep him or her from contacting or coming near you. To do this, file a Petition for an Order of Protection with your local circuit court. There are three types of order of protection available to Illinois residents:

  • Emergency Order of Protection. This type of order is effective the same day its petition is filed and can remain effective for up to 21 days. The alleged abuser does not have to be notified of an emergency order of protection;
  • Interim Order of Protection. This type of order is effective for up to 30 days. It goes into effect after the alleged abuser is served with paperwork for the order of protection or attempts to serve him or her were made. A hearing is required for this type of order and if the abuser appears at the hearing, he or she may testify; and
  • Plenary Order of Protection. After being served paperwork by the Sheriff, a plenary order of protection may be authorized against an individual. It can remain effective for up to two years and grant certain protections to the victim beyond a prohibition on contact by the abuser, such as custody of his or her children and animals, sole possession of certain pieces of personal property, and a requirement that the abuser reimburse the victim for the financial damages he or she experienced because of the abuse. This type of order also requires a court hearing to enact.

Work with an Experienced St. Charles Divorce Lawyer

Nobody deserves to be abused by his or her spouse. If you are facing domestic violence in your home, get yourself to a safe place as soon as you can. Then, start working with an experienced Kane County divorce lawyer to begin the process of ending your marriage. Contact Shaw Sanders, P.C. today at 630-584-5550 to set up your free consultation with divorce lawyer Matthew G. Shaw.



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