Four Common Predictors of Divorce

 Posted on January 14,2017 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyer, Illinois family law attorneyAs we work through the everyday bumps that come with navigating a relationship, it can be difficult to recognize whether the problems we face are typical roadblocks that every couple experiences - those that can be overcome with time and effort- or whether those problems are indicators of much larger issues that can lead to divorce. It is typically these larger, foundational conflicts that create greater risk for potential separation down the road.

Cold Feet or Something More?

According to the American Psychological Association, up to 50 percent of marriages end in divorce, making it apparent that the odds don’t always end in every couple’s favor when it comes to marital longevity. Being able to recognize the signs that indicate trouble early on can go a long way in addressing and managing any existing or looming problems that may eventually lead to separation.

Here are four common predictors of divorce, according to the APA:

1. Cold Feet

How couples feel before they get married is often a big indicator for whether or not their marriage will last. Research shows that women who report premarital cold feet are more than two times as likely to divorce after four years of marriage than women who did not have doubts before tying the knot. While cold feet can be a natural side effect of pre-wedding anxiety, significant doubts about the relationship before marriage can signal a more serious problem.

2. Inability to Handle Conflict

Research also tells us that how couples handle conflict says a lot about their long-term potential. Couples who are kind, considerate, and gentle in the way they address and handle conflict have a better chance at having a successful marriage. There is strong evidence that couples who have good communication patterns last longer than those who communicate with anger, pessimism, or unwillingness to listen or compromise.

3. Monotony

Psychologists say that the key to avoiding boredom, which often contributes to marital dissatisfaction, can be avoided by creating surprise and variety in day-to-day relationships. Taking risks, trying new things, and breaking up the monotony of daily living can go a long way in avoiding divorce down the road. Studies have found that couples who report boredom by the seventh year of marriage are less likely to be content by their sixteenth anniversary.

4. Severe stress

Severe financial stress and any other ongoing, chronic stressor can cause even the strongest relationships to break down, according to the APA. Couples who experience money troubles due to having no reserves, such as those in low-income communities, tend to struggle more than those without such stressors present. Research has found that spouses are more likely to exhibit negative behaviors toward their partners on the most stressful of days, which can create significant marital dissatisfaction.

If you are in the midst of ending your marriage or recognize that it may be time to consider ending the relationship, it is wise to discuss the divorce process and address your questions and concerns with a qualified Kane County divorce attorney. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C., P.C today at 630-584-5550 for a personal consultation.



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