More Child Support Answers

 Posted on April 28,2016 in Child Support

Illinios child support laws, Illinois family law attorneyNavigating the world of divorce can be tricky, especially when you are attempting to understand your rights and working to ensure the children you share with your spouse are properly provided for after the separation. You have many tasks to sort out, including the allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody) and parenting time (visitation).

While these factors are crucial to setting up the guidelines and boundaries for your family’s new lifestyle post-divorce, filing for child support is one of the most important processes you will encounter as you wade through the transition. Filing for child support allows you to secure and maintain consistent, dependable funds for your family’s care.

Here are some common concerns you might have as the custodial or non-custodial parent:

1. Where Does the Money Come from?

Illinois generally collects child support funds from the noncustodial parent’s employer. Pay is deducted directly via income withholding. The law allows the Department of Healthcare and Family Services to withhold a certain income dollar amount on a continual basis, including any dollar amount to account for past-due support, until it is paid in full.

2. What Can I Expect at a Hearing?

Should you be required to attend a hearing for child support, you can expect to testify to a number of questions. The questions and nature of the hearing will depend on the circumstances of your case. You can expect to discuss everything from paternity and the details of your relationship with your spouse, to employment information and any financial concerns you have.

3. I Received a Notice of Intent to Pursue Collection Remedies. What Does this Mean?

The state has the ability to intercept your tax refund and can revoke or suspend various licenses in order to enforce fund collection, should you fail to make payments. If you receive a Notice of Intent to Pursue Collection Remedies, you are required to submit payment by the date indicated in Section 1 immediately to avoid further action on the state’s behalf.

4. Can Non-Parents Obtain Information on a Child Support Case?

Unless you are the custodial or noncustodial parent, you cannot obtain information on a child support case without a notarized "Consent to Release Information" or "Power of Attorney (POA)" form. This must be received by the state and it does not authorize the release of all case information.

If you need someone to elaborate on these topics or you have more questions, speak with a knowledgeable Kane County family law attorney for some guidance today. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation.



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