How to Know It Is Time to File for Divorce

 Posted on June 14, 2018 in Divorce

Illinois divorce lawyerIt is not always easy to recognize when your marriage has reached a point that divorce is necessary. We become accustomed to certain patterns and over time, can become so used to a certain lifestyle that we cannot see that it is toxic.

Take a step back and look objectively at your marriage. Every marriage has rough patches, but when a rough patch becomes a permanent way of life, it might be time to exit the marriage. If you are not sure if your marriage is a healthy one, discuss it with an experienced mental health care professional to get deeper insight into the difficulties you are facing and possible solutions. You might be able to change your lifestyle to rebuild your marriage, or you might find that divorce is the healthiest choice for everybody in your household. If one or more of the following is true, divorce might be the way to go.

You Cannot Resolve Conflicts in a Healthy Way

If all your attempts to resolve conflicts in a productive way end in screaming matches, slammed doors, and hurt feelings, you are not communicating in a healthy way.

A strong marriage requires clear communication between the partners. Communication skills can be learned, but like learning any other skill, it takes practice. Both partners need to be willing to practice healthy communication skills and hold themselves accountable for their mistakes.

Your Physical or Mental Health Is Suffering Because of the Marriage

Our spouses have a significant impact on our lives and health, and when living with your spouse makes it impossible for you to live a physically or mentally healthy lifestyle, you should exit the marriage for your own sake. Not all unhealthy marriages are abusive ones. If your spouse refuses to make lifestyle changes to take care of his or her body or refuses to change destructive habits, you will be healthier without him or her.

Your Marriage Is Abusive

If you face abuse from your partner, you need to get out of the marriage. Abuse is not always physical – it can be psychological, emotional, or even financial. Read through signs of the different types of abuse to see if any apply to your marriage.

You Do Not Want to Resolve the Difficulties in the Marriage

Plain and simple, if you are not interested in resolving the difficulties in your marriage, it is time to go. To recover from relationship challenges, both parties need to be willing to put in work. If your partner is more interested in saving the marriage than you are, do him or her a favor and make your intention to divorce clear.

Work with an Experienced St. Charles Divorce Lawyer

Once you realize your marriage needs to end, contact an experienced Kane County divorce lawyer to learn more about the divorce process and start planning for yours. To get started with our firm, set up your legal consultation with Shaw Sanders, P.C. by calling 630-584-5550 today.



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