How Do I Make an Illinois Divorce Easier for My Child?

 Posted on March 06,2024 in Child Custody / Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

Kane County, Il divorce lawyerDivorce is stressful for the people involved, and any shared children may also be affected by the high emotions of your divorce. Ensuring your divorce moves smoothly can help make a divorce easy on your child, though you may also need to take the time to support your child to help them cope with the changes that your divorce brings. A knowledgeable Illinois divorce lawyer can help guide you through this process and advocate for you and your child’s rights during a divorce.

Create a Parenting Plan in Illinois that Works for Everybody

One of the most important things to do during your divorce if you have shared children is to create a parenting plan. The Illinois Marriage and Dissolution of Marriage Act outlines four different categories of responsibility that you and your co-parent will have to decide upon for your child. These categories include:

  • Education

  • Health needs

  • Extracurricular activities

  • Religious beliefs

It is up to you and your co-parent to reach a decision about these factors, and you should keep in mind that the court will make a decision that is in the best interest of the child if you and your co-parent cannot come to an amicable decision.

In some cases, hiring a mediator to help you and your co-parent reach decisions about parenting plans and other important divorce factors can reduce arguments and help you reach a mutually agreeable outcome. This is important when you have a co-parenting agreement because you and your ex are more likely to abide by the terms if you proactively agree to them. In turn, this minimizes the potential for conflict that your child could be exposed to.

Support Your Child Through Your Divorce

As your divorce progresses, you may find that your child needs additional support and guidance to help her cope with change and adjust to her new family situation. Steps you can take to support your child include the following:

  • Refraining from talking badly about or name-calling her other parent

  • Reminding your child how much you and her other parent love them

  • Being open and honest with your child, keeping her age in mind

  • Maintaining routines with your child, such as mealtimes and bedtimes

  • Reminding your child that it is ok to speak about her feelings with you

If you think that your child needs professional guidance, do not hesitate to take her to therapy or book a family therapy session to discuss her feelings about the divorce. Likewise, you may also seek the support of another close friend or adult whom your child trusts to speak to about the situation.

Contact a St. Charles, IL Divorce LawyerBlog Image

Divorce is a challenging process, and the stresses of a divorce can also be felt by your child. Working with an experienced Kane County, IL divorce attorney can help your divorce progress smoothly, allowing you to take the time to support your child throughout the changes a divorce may bring.

Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation about your divorce options.

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