Emotional Support for Families Experiencing Divorce

 Posted on March 07,2016 in Divorce

emotional support, Kane County divorce lawyerDivorce can have long-lasting effects on the entire family. Issues such as allocation of parental responsibilities (child custody), child support, and parenting time (visitation rights) all need to be addressed as the divorce process is underway, and the emotional toll on everyone involved can be incredibly overwhelming.

The state of Illinois is also aware of these effects, and thankfully, the state legislature encourages certain practices to help ensure the children in the family are receiving the emotional support and attention they need during such a tough, transitional period.

Divorce Education Benefits the Whole Family

The Kids in a Divorcing Society program—also simply referred to as "KIDS"—is an educational program provided by Kane County for parents undergoing divorce. The goal of the program is to help equip parents with the tools they need to learn how to best restructure their families in a way that minimizes the negative emotional impact on their children before, during, and after the divorce is finalized. The KIDS program teaches the parent coping skills for re-entering the world as a newly single parent, and also benefits the child long-term by empowering and arming the parent with positive, effective parenting techniques.

Some helpful topics the program will cover:

  • Legal aspects of divorce;
  • How to recognize and deal with the grief process;
  • Whether or not custody arrangements (or allocation of parental responsibilities) are right for you, and identifying which arrangements will be best for your family;
  • How to navigate the world of single parenting and enter new relationships; and
  • Familiarizing yourself with common problems your child might experience as they grow older.

How it Works

Kane County judges are given the authority to require parents to attend the program, which is offered once a month, in the evenings. Parents must register and pay for the class. A completion certificate will be placed in your court file once you pay and complete the program, letting the court know you’ve met the proper requirements. The County Circuit Clerk will be responsible for collecting the $90.00 fee. This takes place while filing the first pleading or appearance filed by each party.

As you and your family face the challenges of divorce, the experienced, effective Kane County family law attorneys at Shaw Sanders, P.C. can walk you through the process from start to finish. Well skilled in negotiation practices, our firm saves you time and frustration so you can focus on what is really important: The wellbeing of your family as you move on to the next chapter. Call 630-584-5550 for some guidance and that extra assurance every parent needs when entering the divorce process.




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