Rebounding from Divorce

 Posted on November 28, 2016 in Divorce

Illinois divorce attorney, Illinois family law attorneyWhile countless studies have shown that life following a divorce often leads to higher depression rates, more stress, and overall dissatisfaction, those who spend a prolonged period of time in an unhappy marriage to begin with tend to thrive once the marriage is over. Experts have a number of theories for this, most notably the idea that the benefits of leaving behind an emotionally exhausting (and in many cases, emotionally or physically abusive) marriage usually end up outweighing the disadvantages.

Increasing Your Chances of Success

Examining the overall quality of a marriage before calling it quits is important in the overall outcome for each party. Once you’ve decided it is in your best interest to end the marriage, there are certain steps you can take to increase your chances of enjoying a fulfilling, balanced post-divorce life. Channel your energy into the following three areas after the split to ensure a healthier, happier lifestyle:

Finances - Although the divorce process is undeniably an emotional struggle, it can also be incredibly challenging where your finances are concerned. Spending adequate time doing an evaluation of your money matters prior to the divorce and directly afterward can make a world of difference in the quality of your life once the separation is official. This is an important step in creating a secure financial foundation for your future. Do your best to assess debts, a savings goal if your existing savings plan is minimal or nonexistent, and work with a professional attorney to understand the value of your assets.

Family Plans - Divorce can be especially traumatizing for children in the family, which is why it is so important to talk about, create, and follow through with a proper parenting plan once the divorce is final. You can reduce your stress and your child’s stress by establishing routines, making time for fun quality time, and ensuring everyone understands visitation arrangements.

Social Support - Making sure you have a solid financial foundation and that you are taking care of your family’s needs after your separation is important to the overall success of your post-divorce life, but self-care is just as dire when it comes to your emotional, physical, and mental wellbeing. Cultivating a dependable, healthy social support system, whether it be a circle of close friends or family members, is a crucial part of sustaining a satisfying lifestyle after the marriage.

If you are about to embark on the divorce process and you are concerned about your impending financial, custody, or visitation arrangements, speak with a knowledgeable Kane County divorce attorney for guidance and the peace of mind you need to move forward with the transition. Your happiness in the aftermath depends on it. Call Shaw Sanders, P.C. today at 630-584-5550 for a special consultation.



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