Options for Divorced Stay at Home Parents

 Posted on May 30, 2019 in Alimony / Maintenance

IL divorce lawyerStay at home parents are not as common today as they once were. This can be attributed to a higher standard of living with a minimal increase in pay as well as the feminist movement and workplace equality. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 18 percent of parents in 2016 spent their time at home instead of being employed. This number has not changed significantly for women; however, stay at home dads have become more common. The percentage of men who are considered “stay at home dads” rose from four to seven percent in a 25-year time period. Having one unemployed parent can be manageable while married, but can become increasingly difficult after divorce. Continue reading to learn about the different options stay at home parents have to stay afloat.

Hire an Experienced Attorney

A good divorce attorney is crucial for parents who rely on their former spouse financially. With their assistance, a parent could potentially remain financially stable living off of the divorce settlement. This includes alimony and child support payments. Alimony is another term for spousal maintenance or more specifically, money being given to the lower-earning spouse. This can be used for those who earn less money in their occupation or those who do not have a job. Alimony is determined from a variety of financial factors but can be greatly increased with an experienced attorney’s help. The amount given in child support payments can also be changed with a lawyer’s help. These payments are meant to help the parent with primary custody to ensure an equal amount of “effort” is provided by both parents.

Go Back to School

Some stay at home parents choose this life path because they never sought out higher education or the proper training they needed for their dream job. Going back to school can be stressful and overwhelming, especially for parents who have been out of school for a long period of time. Not only will getting the necessary education for your occupation make you more marketable for companies, but it can also make people feel more independent, truly giving them that post-divorce “fresh start”.

Search the Job Market

Although many stay at home parents try to avoid going back to work, it can be impossible in some cases. Spousal maintenance and child support do not always add up to a fully functioning lifestyle. Going back to work can seem stressful; however, it is usually not as difficult as one thinks it will be. Digital job boards and quick internet searches have made job searches much faster and simpler.

Contact a St. Charles, IL Family Attorney for Assistance

Divorce is a major lifestyle change no matter the familial circumstances though stay at home parents may have to make the most adjustments. Working with an experienced stay at home divorce attorney can often help improve your financial compensation post-divorce. If you are a stay at home parent considering divorce, contact our Kane County divorce attorneys at 630-584-5550 for a free consultation.





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